Oh my Gods, my mouth starts watering when I even think about these wonderful little balls. I had some licorice powder left from the best licorice chocolate mudcake ever that I wanted to use for a light little snacky something. So, *Internet scour*, and ta-da: Syötävän hyvä delivers again. This one is actually not her recipe, but comes from the kitchen of the lovely Hannamari of Yellow mood. She's published a nifty little book about the ABCs of raw baking and these delicious treats are featured there.
So, without further ado, 1-2-3, bake! I added the ingredients into a blender, but the heat apparently did its thing, as all the mass was literally swimming in oil by the time I was done. I tried to massage it into the mass but it just wouldn't stick. So I poured the rest of it off and still the mass was the oiliest thing ever. I already thought I'd lost this round of the game, but I decided I'd let the freezer try to persuade the little beasties that were huddling together, not very keen to keep their ball shape.
So, a round of freezing and a round of reforming into balls the next day, and a round of rolling them in cacao powder. And, Oh My Sweet Soft Truffle Gods. The consistency was absolutely silky, the licorice flavour bursted into a dark symphony in the mouth after the initial tartness of chocolate powder, and I could have easily eaten the whole container full of the balls on one go. They only remained as balls in the fridge, though, and started to get soft the minute I got them out, but they were so absolutely wonderfully delicious that I couldn't have cared less. The mass was actually so pliable at this stage that I could have formed a bunch of licorice sculptures out of it, or little cups, or whatever people make out of Play Doh (I was never very talented with the stuff). I made a couple of hearts.

So, I was definitely not sorry that something weird happened with the blending process. Sometimes the almost-disastrous version turns out to be infinitely better than the one that was sought after. I might try to do these another time, just to see if I can get the "normal", not Play Doh type consistency to work. But if not, hey, there will be another round of something truly delicious to nibble on.
Silky soft licorice chocolate truffles
Recipe here on Syötävän hyvä
3 dl cashews
1 dl coconut oil, melted
3/4 dl honey/coconut nectar/maple syrup
5 tbsp licorice (root) powder
3/4 tsp salt
Optional: contents of 5 medicinal coal capsules for black colour (I didn't use it)
Cacao powder/licorice powder for coating
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. If you blend too long, it might be that the consistency turns into a ball of dough swimming in a pool of oil. If this happens, drain the excess oil. Form into small balls and stick into the freezer for ca. half an hour.
Original recipe had the truffles rolled in licorice powder, but since I ran out I used cacao, and boy was the match of chocolate and licorice heavenly! So, your choice: add either licorice powder or cacao on a plate and coat the balls in the powder. Store in the fridge, if there are any left after you're done with the game of "just a little taste more".
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